Monday, July 9, 2012

The Nail Junkie Apple Jelly Shimmer

Hey guys! Did everyone have a good 4th of July? We had some A-MAZ-ING fireworks here in Houston, but of course I left my camera in the apartment and didn't get any pictures. :( I have something VERY exciting and special for you today! A polish from The Nail Junkie's summer collection! While I wanted to go crazy and order every single polish in this collection, I refrained and just ordered my very favorite, Apple! And I mean FAVORITE! The Nail Junkie describes Apple as a "neon green jelly with two sizes of shimmery glitter". Let me tell you, this is the perfect green jelly. Im seriously in love! One of my favorite things about this polish is that fact that it has TINY shimmery glitter. While I am still a TOTAL lover of big chunky glitter, I really respect Aleta for not being like everyone else in the indie world right now and throwing some in there just because thats what she thinks everyone wants, because this seriously WORKS for this polish! (Once again, not dogging polish makers that have lots of glitters in their polish, I love it as much as the next guy). One of the things that I did notice about this polish is the fact that it has a serious color range depending on where you are. When I first opened this package up, I was in the bedroom and I thought to myself, great color but not so much a neon. It had more of a kelly green color to it. It wasn't until I stepped outside that I saw just now bright and neon it was. So it definitely does change a little under artificial light. Gorgeous colors either way though! (I hope that made sense)...

So seriously, absolutely no complaints about this polish. I used three coats, and one coat of SV to get this opacity. There was still a little bit of a visible nail line at times, which I usually am not a huge fan of, but I actually didn't mind it with this polish. Like I said, it just works!

SERIOUSLY! Just look at how juicy this jelly looks! Be on the look out for a sweet jelly sandwich featuring this polish soon as well! ;)

This polish retails for $10.00 and can be purchased at The Nail Junkies shop along with all of her other polishes! Unfortunately it does look like she is sold out right now, but you can check her blog and facebook for updates on her restock!

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